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Calming Strategies for Bedtime/Wake-Up Routines

Calming Strategies for Bedtime/Wake-Up Routines

This blog was written by Nate Crowley, Behavior Support Leader at Rivermont Schools in Tidewater, VA    

Utilizing music can be an effective and easy way to assist with your child’s bedtime and wake-up routine.  

In the classroom, studies have shown that when teachers play classical music during tests/exams, students' scores are higher than when students test without music. In other situations, music can be used as a cue to students that it is time to transition into the next lesson or class. In addition, music can be a signal to students that it is time to be quiet or time to focus quietly at your desk while completing an assignment.  

These same ideas or strategies can be applied at home or during routines that are repeated daily. When a child hears the same calming song when waking up and going to bed, it signals the procedure of getting up or going to sleep. Being consistent is key in making this a routine the child can become acclimated to and successful moving forward. The genre of music is dependent on the child. Classical, jazz, instrumental, and piano work best to help children go to sleep calmly. Different types of music could be used for waking up and another type of music could be used for going to bed. Parents can experiment early with what music works for their child; however, it is recommended to not change the music type later. The change could disrupt the child’s routine and cause previous unwanted behaviors to resurface.  

Music can serve as an excellent tool in establishing and maintaining positive routines for children.  If your child is struggling with bedtime or wake-up routines, hopefully some of these tips will have your family resting a little easier! 

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