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Giving Tuesday 2021 Mighty Cause Fundraiser


After a long and challenging 18 months, our team here at Green Tree School (GTS) is excited to have all our students back in the building, and we are excited to be able to resume our annual Winter Wonderland celebration for our students!

Green Tree School serves just under 200 students with special education needs. Prior to the pandemic, every December our school would be a bevy of activity with preparation for our winter concert and our Winter Wonderland celebration prior to the holiday break. Our Winter Wonderland is a cherished annual event for our students, where our team uses sensory integration via holiday-themed activities, to support our students with practicing social skills while having fun! At the conclusion of the event, our team members and some parent volunteers would be Santa's helpers and deliver small gifts to every student in the school. Even though we still have to modify our winter celebrations this year, due to the ongoing pandemic, we are very excited to be able to celebrate the winter holidays with our students to provide small gifts to every student.

We would greatly appreciate assistance with preparing for our Winter Wonderland activities. Our #GivingTuesday2021 campaign will support holiday gifts purchased for our students in December. Your tax-deductible donation will help Green Tree School spread joy and resume some normalcy this holiday season. You can contribute to our #GivingTuesday2021 campaign by donating here:

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