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        Michelle Brown

Author: Michelle Brown

Michelle Brown has a Master's degree in Special Education as well as certifications in art education and English education. She has taught students of all kinds, as a learning support teacher, a teacher of the gifted, and now, high school English.

Blogs by the author

Autism and Creating a Structured Environment

Autism and Creating a Structured Environment


Creating an environment of structure and…

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Autism and Sibling Relationships: A Parent’s Guide

Autism and Sibling Relationships: A Parent’s Guide


Growing up with a sibling shapes who a person becomes, and the…

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Autism Myths and Truths

Autism Myths and Truths


It can be very challenging…

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Guardianship and Autism: A Parent’s Guide

Guardianship and Autism: A Parent’s Guide


As your child with autism spectrum disorder (autism)…

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Transition to Adulthood for Children with Autism

Transition to Adulthood for Children with Autism


The thought of getting your child ready for…

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