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Four Ways to Build a Student-Centered Culture

student centered culture part 2 social and inner image

The second in our two-part blog series explores how educators and clinicians can use a student-centered mindset to best serve children and young adults. In case you missed the first blog in the series, read how families can identify whether they are selecting a school with a student-centered culture for their child or young adult here.  

A student-centered culture is when a student’s needs are put first, and are the driver for the education, programming, spaces, and support in a school setting. It may sound simple, but each child and young adult has unique needs that can change from one day to the next.  

How can educators, clinicians, and administrators create a student-centered culture?  

A culture is something that permeates the whole building, however, there are things you can do right away to build a student-centered culture in your classroom and at your schools. Below are four tips you can start using today.  

  1. Build meaningful connections: Learn the names of each student, and find opportunities to form relationships with them   

  1. Celebrate milestones: Make sure students are being encouraged and recognized for progress milestones both big and small. Throw mini celebrations, give rewards, and call parents to let them know the successes of the student. Incremental milestones are big wins!  

  1. Create a collaborative environment: Work with other staff members and a student's family to ensure each student’s needs are being met  

  1. Focus on your student’s strengths: Bring a positive outlook and choose to see the good in each of your students  

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